Why do people join LinkedIn?

linkedin-logoI have been using LinkedIn pretty heavily for the last few weeks. So heavy, that that LinkedIn has locked me out for 12 hours at a time for exceeding whatever limits they have for accessing LinkedIn.

Therefore after looking at thousands of profiles I have to ask this question:

Why do people join LinkedIn?

  1. Is it to meet people (socially)?
  2. Is it to find business?
  3. Is it to market oneself or business?
  4. Is it to seek new opportunities, be they employment or new ventures?
  5. Or is it because I need to have a profile, it is expected today?

If you have said yes to one or more of the first four choices then I have two questions for you:

  • Why don’t you list an e-mail address? You have several choices, your business (that may be transient), your personal or as many people do, a special Social Network/LinkedIn address. In addition, if you are going to list an e-mail address, why not in the opening Summary so people don’t have to go crazy searching?
  • If you list an address, does it work? I can’t tell you how many e-mail address are either (unintentionally) mis-formed, or just plain wrong (as in no longer works). Bad addresses don’t meet your need, which is being contacted.

So why don’t you take a few moments to review your profile and adjust it.

SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak