About Us

All about us

Hiring a consulting firm requires trust and confidence. We want to begin that process by providing you a little info about us.


Known for providing outsourced part-time and/or interim (long and short-term) Chief Financial Officers available nationwide.  In addition, Cash Flow Management is a major sub-service where we help you determine and manage your cash position.

SBA * Consulting has been deeply involved in e-commerce companies.

Our company provides CxO’s, C-Level and Senior Managerial Consultants to assist clients if you need them.


At SBA * Consulting we feel that by assisting a client’s staff conduct a full 360° GAP Analysis we can ascertain the major and many of the minor issues a company is facing. By assisting and facilitating changes to improve these major issues, we are able to add value to our clients in four ways.

1. Educating our clients; Teaching GAP Analysis and its improvement cycles.  Teaching the necessity of budgeting, keeping accurate and proper books and how they effect cash management.

2. Business problems are not silo based. A problem in one functional area has impacts others. It may be caused by problems existing in a third area. We have the breadth of consultants that can assist our clients in any area of a business a problem can be found.

Consulting concept on Dry Erase Board
Consulting being written with a black marker on a dry erase board by a hand.

3. Using the concept behind Short-term Psychotherapy, we assist our Clients by assisting them in correcting the major problems, allowing them to see quantifiable and timely improvements. Follow-up cycles can dwell on fine-tuning previous improvements and working on secondary issues. Projects that are S.M.A.R.T can be accomplished without disrupting their entire business.

4. Affordable. Our desire is to have a short-term engagement.  We do mid- and long-term assignments).


SBA * Consulting can assist business clients in many facets of their business. We do this by enabling management to leverage our consultants to perform project-based assignments conducted by extremely experienced individuals. Our findings are plain, simple, raw; no sugar coating is done at SBA * Consulting.

For more information, contact us at Sales@SBAConsulting.com or schedule a brief meeting.




Service Areas

Litigation Support
Accounting/ERP Systems

*not all inclusive