
SBA * Consulting Consultants are willing to travel worldwide to assist your company in achieving its success goals.

Myriad of Consultants

We have Chief Financial Officers in over 30 disciplines. Chief Operating Officers in multiple sectors. Chief Information, Executive, and Marketing Officers with experience in different sectors and with small and large cap companies. We also have military-trained Supply Chain Senior Level Managerial professionals.

Gap AnalysisAll of these men and women can assist you in a 360° GAP Analysis of your business; work with you to create the plans and programs for improvement and if needed, assist you in the implementation of those plans and programs.

These consultants are led by our management team and President, Wayne Spivak.


Our philosophy is a short-term approach. Finding the major pain points. Assist with helping you to ameliorate those pain points. Teaching you to perform the processes to improve without SBA * Consulting.