Strategic Planning Services to focus where you want to go

Let SBA * Consulting professionals assist you in the different planning areas:

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy. Strategic planning became prominent in corporations during the 1960s and remains an important aspect of strategic management. It is executed by strategic planners or strategists, who involve many parties and research sources in their analysis of the organization and its relationship to the environment in which it competes.[1]

Planning Cycle

Emergency Planning

“Response planning efforts cannot succeed without integration. For example, an operational plan translates the broader vision into standard practices, while a tactical plan further refines those practices for a specific incident. All three tiers of planning occur at all levels of government.

  • Strategic planning – describes how a jurisdiction wants to meet its emergency management or homeland security responsibilities over the long term. These plans are driven by policy from senior officials and establish planning priorities.
  • Operational planning – describes roles and responsibilities, tasks, integration, and actions required of a jurisdiction or its departments and agencies during emergencies. These plans tend to focus more on the broader physical, spatial, and time-related dimensions of an operation; thus, they tend to be more complex and comprehensive, yet less defined, than tactical plans.
  • Tactical planning – based on existing operational plans, focus on managing personnel, equipment, and resources that play a direct role in an incident response.”[2]