Supply Chain Management and Logistical Consulting

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

A company with a weak or inefficient supply chain is at risk!

  • Is your SCM as efficient as it should or could be?
  • Do you have the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to know if your Supply Chain is performing optimally?
  • When is the last time you evaluated critical phases of your SCM?
  • Are you losing money each day, due to an inefficient SCM?
  • What is your Chain missing?
  • Are you losing customers, because of SCM inefficiencies?
  • Is your Chain about to break?


Supply ChainSCM

SBA * Consulting provides consultative experts who have had military grade and industrial global experience in the art and science of logistical and supply chain management. These experts have not only theoretical backgrounds, but more importantly hands-on practical empirical experience in solving both the large and the micro problems; involving people, processes, and technology that the theoretical doesn’t address.

Our Experts can:

  • Do you want your Chain to operate as efficiently as possible?
  • Do you want to meet your customers every need, by having the best SCM possible?
  • Do you want to build a STRONGER Supply Chain?
  • Do you want solutions that will quickly gain efficiencies and make your personnel more productive?

SBA * Consulting Supply Chain Management Consultants can be deployed anywhere in the world, on-site, to provide the client with the services that can improve their processes, competitiveness, value proposition, and most importantly the bottom line.

In addition, we our360° GAP Analysis service, we can located areas that are both casual and the effect of Supply Chain issues.

  • Military trained SCM Consultants
  • Global Reach
  • Multi-disciplinary backgrounds

SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak SBA * Consulting LTD Wayne Spivak