On-Demand Course: Before You Buy That Accounting, ERP, or CRM System…

Many of the questions asked when selecting corporate software (and the focus of this course, buying an accounting system) are asked in this fashion: What is the best software for [Fill-in type]. This is the wrong question; whose answers will invariably yield poor results. There is a reason that most major enterprise system implementations don’t fully meet their primary objectives and come in over budget.

Buying an Accounting System

The right question is: “What is the best software for [fill in the blank] the particular needs or our products/people/processes and our company at this point in time and the reasonably predictable future?” This requires significant self-knowledge, process and introspection. These answers are needed when buying an accounting system.

This course provides an overview for project-sponsoring-execs (e.g. the CFO, Controller, VP of Finance) and an in-depth discussion for the actual teams involved in the process to provide a best practice approach to the acquisition of new software for the finance, accounting or related enterprise functions.

This course is part of a series of courses:

War Stories – Enterprise System Implementation Wars
Business Process Mapping: A Prelude to System & Process GAP Analysis
GAP Analysis: A Practical Approach

Learning Objectives

Identify the three main phases involved in buying a new accounting system:

  • Specification; asking the correct questions internally — GAP Analysis.
  • Selecting software and the vendor based on the results of the GAP Analysis.
  • Understanding the implementation process.

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