What are you doing to protect your most valuable mission critical resources from being compromised?

I’m not talking about computers, software, or physical security (although that is an aspect) of your offices.  I’m talking about your people, the human assets on which your company is able to operate.

Whilecritical resource protection I am not specifically talking about people poachers, market swings, bad employees, bad managers, morale or company culture; they all play a part in protecting your people.

I am talking about health. I am talking about things you can do within your office to mitigate certain health issues that will not be considered Orwellian or even Bloomberg-ism to your staff. Simple policies that can have an untold positive effect on the morale and well-being (past the psychological effect) of the staff.

Simple Policy Changes

Flu season is peaking late this year. The common cold and maladies can strike at any time. In fact, the ten top communicable diseases include not only the previous two, but strep throat, pink eye and something I never heard of until doing some research for this article, Fifth Disease.

Fifth Disease is caused by a virus, called parvovirus B19, which tends to spread among children in elementary school. It is most prevalent in the winter and spring, but it can spread at any time and among people of any age. Says healthline.com.

So what policy changes can you make to protect your staff? Intelligent use of sick time and remote/telecommuting policies.

Having a sick employee staying home protects all your employees. Ben Franklin said in 18th century, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That paradigm is still true. There is no reason to risk having the entire office because an employee feels they must come to work sick because of guilt, policy or economic repercussions.

A simple change in a policy like this can go along ways (but not entirely) in relieving some of the second easiest fix a company can do, stress reduction. While there will always be stress, there are a myriad of steps a company as a whole can do to help reduce stress.

Stress reduction decreases the chance for heart attacks, hypertension and stroke. Moreover, while there are scores of other triggers for these diseases, a less stressed employee is a more productive and accurate employee.

What can you do? Enforce breaks, taking lunch/dinner, even a mid-day walking club. Something that gets your employee away from their daily routine and allows them to just plain relax. Try it, it does work.

My question to you?

If your company is not talking about these programs, why are they not seriously considering them?

Too much money the loss of productivity from sick employees and diminished work far outweighs the costs of these simple programs. A happy workforce is a more productive and loyal workforce.

Lastly, what can affect the staff can affect the bosses, so it’s in their best interest as well!