Are you a Cyber Victim?

Logo100Cyber Spying is not used by nation-states alone anymore. As Lisbeth Salander, the character in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo demonstrated, if there is information on a network somewhere, it can be gotten – and not just by those intended to get it! Today, cyber intrusion leading to crime is a real threat for all types of businesses no matter who wants to get into your system. As recent statistics from the 2012 Norton Cybercrime Report show:

There are 556 Million victims of cybercrime annually which equates to 1.5 million daily or 18 per second. Two out of three adults online are victims.
The cost of cybercrime is $110 Billion annually, 85% of these direct financial costs result from fraud, required repairs or patching, theft and loss of intellectual property and hits each of these economies annually:
US – $21 Billion
Europe – $16 Billion
China – $46 Billion

Almost everyday a new revelation hits the news – another major player has been hacked, whether its President Bush or ARAMCO, the New York Times, or the Wall Street Journal , and many more victims have not come forward. Damage to these organizations and others can cripple them by destroying or changing data, disabling computers and stealing intellectual property.

As smart and dedicated as your IT people are, they suffer from myopia; that is they are too intimate with your system they believe that the firewalls, anti virus and other tools they have can control or mitigate the threats that are out there. Unfortunately, they cant see or don’t look past your network and its set of tools. Our Consultants don’t know your culture, your IT dilemma or the intrusions that you have experienced. They do, however, know Security in the most proactive sense and can provide you with a no nonsense appraisal, straight-up, without sugar coating.

SBA * Consulting’s CIO’s and Senior Computer Security and Law Enforcement Consultants can independently review and suggest ways that will add protection to your company’s assets.

Contact us today at +1 (212) 487-5085