Damaged Goods

I was talking to a friend of mine who’s been out of W2 employment about two years. Not that he’s sat home for two years, but he’s not been fully employed.

He’s done consulting work, networking events and sent out more resumes (thank goodness they are basically electronic these days) than a ream or reams could produce.

Interviews, he’s had more than his share, but he’s come in number two multiple times. Unfortunately in the employment game, that’s as good as coming in last, it doesn’t pay the bills.

He recently told me he was talking to a “good” recruiter who told him he was damaged goods. If this is a “good” recruiter, what is a bad recruiter?

Why was that statement so bad?!

recruitment unemployment1. Talk about crushing an ego
2. The reason was because he did consulting stints (no he should starve)
3. He’s old (no he has 30 years of progressively increasing responsibility and experience)
4. He didn’t have this or that on his resume (I though  recruiters were supposed to guide the employer into creating a job spec that meets the needs, and one that is not pie in the sky)

Every story on unemployment talks about the negative psychological impact it has on the individual and that individual’s family. Maybe there should be a mandated ethical standard that these so-called recruiters need to operate within, because that person definitely went over the line.

I know my friend will find a home and that home will be better for finding him. He’ll apply those 30 years of knowledge to problems and improve the top, middle and bottom lines for his employer. He’ll also recoup the drain in cash that has occurred so maybe he’ll one-day be able to retire.

As for that “good” recruiter; maybe that person should be on the other side of the desk….for several years.

As for that “good” recruiter; maybe that person should be on the other side of the desk….for several years. Take a look at the Code of Ethics from the National Association of Executive Recruiters (http://www.naer.org/code-of-ethics/); I’m sorry but where is the ethical standards vis a vis dealing with both potential candidates and those of the client companies?

A telling example of an industry in need of state and congressional oversight (and that is a real buzz killer!).